Saturday, 29 October 2016

Speaking test 2nd ESO (1st Term)

Here is a mindmap which can help you rehearse for the oral test of the first term.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


As you all already know, Halloween is on 31st October. Here you have a couple of videos which will help you understand the story behind the tricks and treats of Halloween.


And here you have a vocabulary game.

These are some of the photos we took in class :-)

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

We don't talk any more

Here there's a very popular song by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez. Remember there are four levels of difficulty! You have to type the missing words as you listen to the song.
Enjoy it!
Image result for we don't talk anymore

There is & There are

In order to practise 'there is' and 'there are', do the following exercise.
Here you have another execise with positive, negative and interrogative sentences.
Exercise 3
Exercise 4 
Exercise 5

Present continuous exercises

Image result for present continuousBefore doing some activities, it's worth having a look at the video you have on this page by The British Council.

Then, I recommend you to do the following exercises:


Present continuous

Here you have a presentation of the Present Continuous. Have a look in order to review this topic.

Saxon Genitive

Image result for saxon genitive

As we have studied in class, there are different ways to show possession:

  • Have got
  • Belong, own
  • Possessive adjetives (and pronouns) 
  • Saxon genitive
If you want to ask who owns something you use 'Whose'.

Here you have some exercises which will help you understand and use the Saxon Genitive in a proper way.

One: What does 's mean? (Saxon genitive, has, is)

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Adverbs of frequency

How often do you have a look at this blog? Usually? Sometimes? Hardly ever? I hope you usually make use of it as it is going to be a useful tool for you.

Resultado de imagen de adverbs of frequencyI have chosen some exercises for you to practise on the internet. By doing them you will learn the correct position of these adverbs in the sentence.

Do the exercises below and if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask me in class.

Enjoy this topic!
