Thursday, 14 December 2017


Global Classrooms presents students with a significant challenge. Working as members of the United Nations Human Rights Council tasked with finding ways to protect the rights of migrants, the project requires students to act as official delegates of the United Nations. On December 12th and 13th, 3rd ESO students from IES Alfredo Kraus attended a formal United Nations mock conference, representing their assigned countries in front of dozens of fellow classmates, teachers, and teaching assistants. This is no easy task and as their Global Classrooms Teaching Assistant, watching their outstanding performance bestowed upon me great joy. The students conducted themselves with professionality and poise as they were continuously asked to solve a variety of multilayered issues regarding the current migration crisis that even real acting members of the United Nations struggle with. In addition to collaborating with each other, students gave speeches throughout the day with ease and confidence, despite some being nervous. They overcame fears of public speaking and reached new levels in their English education and for that, I hope they all feel as proud of themselves as myself and their other teaching assistants and teachers feel of them.

Kirsten Bickelman

`        ¿Se imaginan tener que hablar delante de unas ochenta personas? ¿Y hacerlo en inglés? ¿Cómo se sentirían? ¿Dormirían bien la noche anterior? ¿Les temblarían las piernas? ¿Las manos? ¿Serían capaces de mirar a su público? ¿Se atascarían a la hora de transmitir su discurso? ¿Y si además estuvieran delante de un jurado que les ha de evaluar?

Todo esto es por lo que han pasado el martes doce y el miércoles trece de diciembre sus hijos y sus hijas de tercero ESO, al llevar a cabo una simulación de una conferencia de Naciones Unidas en el salón de actos del Centro Cultural Antonio Machado.

Los alumnos y alumnas debían exponer y defender la postura del país al que representaban como delegados oficiales de las Naciones Unidas. Había representantes de países como Níger, Bangladesh, Brasil, Etiopía, Suiza, Guinea Ecuatorial, Rusia, Camboya, Jordania, Islandia, Haití, etc., cuyos discursos y opiniones tenían que escuchar y respetar.

El tema a debatir tiene que ver con una problemática sumamente de actualidad: la protección de los derechos de los emigrantes. Las distintas delegaciones han tenido que exponer, negociar, establecer alianzas, llegar a acuerdos y proponer soluciones. Todo ello, vuelvo a repetir, en inglés, con un registro extremadamente formal y cuidado del idioma y fuera de su ‘zona de confort’ que les supone su aula.

Así pues, esta actividad, que se ha llevado a cabo con el alumnado de tercero ESO, les ha ayudado a desarrollar su pensamiento crítico, tener una mayor concienciación con respecto a problemas actuales que atañen a toda la comunidad internacional y despertar aún más su sensibilidad y curiosidad por el tema de los derechos de los emigrantes. Al mismo tiempo, han podido entender el funcionamiento de diferentes órganos de Naciones Unidas y conocer algunos aspectos políticos, sociales y económicos de muchos países, puesto que han tenido que realizar una actividad previa de investigación para poder representar bien a sus estados. Y también, cómo no, les ha servido para mejorar y poner en práctica sus destrezas orales en inglés.

Ha sido, sin duda alguna, una actividad altamente estimulante para todo el alumnado que no habría sido posible sin la enorme colaboración de Kirsten Bickelman -auxiliar Fulbright- y su profesorado de ‘Geografía e Historia’ e ‘Inglés’. Agradecemos también el apoyo del resto de los auxiliares de conversación y de todo el claustro por apoyar dicho proyecto que impulsó el equipo directivo del IES Alfredo Kraus.

Transmitimos, pues, a todos los alumnos y alumnas de tercero ESO del IES Alfredo Kraus nuestra felicitación por el gran trabajo y esfuerzo realizado, del cual tanto sus profesoras de Inglés como los auxiliares de conversación que hemos estado presentes en el acto, nos sentimos plenamente orgullosos. Ha sido una experiencia que, sin duda, no olvidarán.
¡Reto superado! Congratulations!

María del Mar Delgado



This is the link to all the photos.

Thursday, 23 November 2017


UN also calls us for action:

'If not now, when?'
'If not you, who?'

Please, watch the following video 'Ana and the earphones', by students and teachers at IES Joaquín Rodrigo. We all can do something to stop violence against women.


Here you have some exercises to practise.
One: Explanation with listenings and quizzes.
Two: Explanation and multiple choice exercise.
Three: Multiple exercise.

Thanksgiving 2017

Today is a very special day for our language assistants as Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA. It is a very important day for American people and also for both learners and teachers of English. Giving thanks helps us to be grateful and appreciate the good things we have and we have had in our lives.

That is why this year we have asked our students to write in coloured pieces of paper what they are thankful for. The language assistants have designed a tree (two trees in fact) and stuck on its branches those pieces of paper as if they were the leaves of the tree. This tree represents 'The Giving Tree', a poem by the American poet Shel Silverstein.

Here you have some pictures:

Thursday, 9 November 2017

My Symbaloo

I would like to share with you all my own Symbaloo I have created for you.

You can access all those pages by symply clicking on the tile you want to. You have useful webpages that will help you improve your English language skills: games, magazines, books, news, dictionaries, IT tools, etc.


Wednesday, 8 November 2017


Here you have the topic our school has been assigned for this course: Protecting the Rights of Migrants. Please, read all the information and do some research on the topic, always from the point of view of the country you will be representing.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Despite, in spite of, although, even though, however, nevertheless.

Any problems with these linking words? How about doing the following exercises?

One. Despite, in spite of, although, even though. (With explanation)
Two. Despite, in spite of, although, however.
Three. Despite, in spite of, although, even though. (Exercises and explanation)

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Phrasal Verbs. Units 4, 5 & 6 High Achievers B1+

Image result for phrasal verbs

How are you dealing with the phrasal verbs we are studying? Here is a game for you to practise the phrasal verbs we have seen in units 4, 5 and 6 (High Achievers B1+). You can use this link or begin practising below.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Halloween 2017

This is a video our community manager, Pilar, has made with some of the photos taken yesterday. Thanks a bunch, Pilar.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Reported Speech

Have a look at the following presentation about Reported Speech and do the exercises that follow.

One. Different tenses.
Two. Changes in pronouns.
Three. Multiple choice.
Four. Complete the sentences. Statements, questions & commands.
Five. Questions.

Writing: 3D

Here you can see some of your compositions about our high school and several after-school activities.

Congratulations! Keep on working like this

Saturday, 21 October 2017


Hi, 3rd ESO students,
Here I'm going to post all the presentations regarding Global Classrooms that our language assistant Kirsten shows you in class.

Unit 11: Position Paper Body Paragraphs

Unit 10: Offical Topic Mock Conference.

Unit 9: Exploring our Topic and Position Papers.

Unit 8: Topic Introduction and Position Papers.

Unit 7: Conference Structures and Opening Speeches.
3D ESO students: Have a look at slides 12 & 13 and do some research on women's role in government according to your assigned countries. Deadline: by Tuesday 7th November 2017.

Lesson 5: Debate in Action

Lesson 4: Plagiarism and Works Cited.


Lesson 3: Formal vs Informal Language.


  Lesson 2: Researching and How to Find Credible Sources.


Lesson 1: The United Nations and Global Classrooms.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Order of adjectives

Have a look at the following video.

And here you have an explanation about the order of adjectives taken from the British Council ( Below you can find some exercises you can do.
Sometimes we use more than one adjective in front of a noun:
He was a nice intelligent young man.
She had a small round black wooden box.

Opinion adjectives:

Some adjectives give a general opinion. We can use these adjectives to describe almost any noun:

goodbadlovely strange

Some adjectives give a specific opinion. We only use these adjectives to describe particular kinds of noun:
Food: tasty; delicious
Furniture, buildings: comfortable; uncomfortable
People, animals: clever; intelligent; friendly
We usually put a general opinion in front of a specific opinion:
Nice tasty soup.
nasty uncomfortable armchair
lovely intelligent animal
Usually we put an adjective that gives an opinion in front of an adjective that is descriptive:
a nice red dress; a silly old man; those horrible yellow curtains
We often have two adjectives in front of a noun:
a handsome young man; a big black car; that horrible big dog
Sometimes we have three adjectives, but this is unusual:
nice handsome young man;
big black American car;
that horrible big fierce dog
It is very unusual to have more than three adjectives.
Adjectives usually come in this order:
Size ShapeAge ColourNationalityMaterial
We use some adjectives only after a link verb:
contentglad illready
Some of the commonest -ed adjectives are normally used only after a link verb:
annoyed;  finished;  bored; pleased; thrilled
We say:
Our teacher was ill.
My uncle was very glad when he heard the news.
The policeman seemed to be very annoyed
but we do not say:
We had an ill teacher.
When he heard the news he was a very glad uncle
He seemed to be a very annoyed policeman
A few adjectives are used only in front of a noun:
We say:
He lives in the eastern district.
There were countless problems with the new machinery.
but we do not say:
The district he lives in is eastern
The problems with the new machinery were countless.
Try these tasks to improve your adjective ordering.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Useful Websites for Country Research

Useful Websites for Country Research
Global Classrooms

United Nations:
·         United Nations Data:
o   Type the country name in the search bar.
·         United Nations Human Development Program: Human Development Reports:
·         United Nations Member States:

The World Bank Development Indicators:
·         Overall Data:
o   You can type the name of your country and a specific statistic into the search bar.
·         By Country:
·         By Indicator (topic):

Eurostat (European Union Statistics):

United States Department of State:
·         Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2016: - wrapper
o   You can select a specific country under “Countries/Regions.”
·         Countries and Regions:

Other ideas:
·         Your country’s government website
o   For example, Spain’s official website:
·         Your country’s Department/Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website
For example, Spain’s Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación website: